Membership Dues Payment
Brother Knights,
Enclosed is your 2024 membership dues billing. Click “buy now” link below to pay dues online.
2024 Membership Dues
As you are aware, it is during the time of membership renewals, our brother knights are given the opportunity to also make donations to our council in several areas.As many of you know, we have been taking appropriate action to improve and upgrade our buildings and surrounding properties. We still have a little more than half to go on the debt for the west side parking lot. Our future plans include the parking lot on the east side of our building and a much-needed upgrade to our handicap chair lift. The upgrade of the lift is sorely needed to make our building accessible for ALL of our members.
As always, our yearly plan continues to have great programs and events for our members, families and friends. These include our family events, holiday celebrations for the young and old, support of the church and our priests, as well as our charitable endeavors. We ask you to consider donating to the council in any of the following areas.
• Michigan 10 Charities – our State organization distributes these funds to worthy causes right here in Michigan.
• Funds which go towards masses to be said for our deceased Father Saylor council members
• Help meet the commitment of the One Million Endowment to Sacred Heart Major Seminary. These funds will provide much needed scholarships to those answering the call to priesthood as well as provide the needed funds to refurbish the buildings. We are asking for $6 per member to help meet our goal.
• Debt retirement – pay down our existing loan
• For those who receive their Knights Notes by mail we are asking for a donation of $5 to offset the cost of postage.
• You can also donate to our own Father Saylor council charity funds. These funds are used to enable our council to do meet one of our main core principals of our order, Charity, but also quietly help our own members who are in need.
• Our own Capital Improvement fund – these funds are held to assist our council in meeting the needs of maintaining our own infrastructure. Items like our completed roof repairs, the replacement of heating and cooling roof top units and upgrading handicap chair lift.
Please consider making a donation to any of those items mentioned above. We have enclosed a return envelope for you to send in your dues and donations. Please let us know where you wish any of your donations to go. And for the first time, you can now pay your dues on line. Type in the following link and follow the directions. The link is
Donald Siegel, Grand Knights
Bob Cooper, Financial Secretary
Please use this form to pay your current membership dues. You should have received a statement from the Financial Secretary with the total amount due. If you are logged in, some information will be filled automatically.